
Where do you go for trusting someone? Reviews on Google, Yahoo, LinkedIn, etc.? It wasn’t until recently in time we were able to look at these. I ask “If you see a good review, does it mean the company is better than the company with no website or reviews?” If your answer is yes, then there hasn’t been a trusted business until the 2000’s.

We use our website for convenience of the customer, not for advertising. Let’s talk and believe in each other, not rely on reviews to be your final decision. Many people before us built the foundation of what we teach, no one jumped online to tell the world they were great.

Why Choose Us?

1- We have clients that have been with us for over 20 years

2- Fun and Relaxed Classes

3- On-Site Training at No Extra Charge

4- Experienced Instructors

5- Flexible Scheduling

6- American Heart Association Classes

7- Public Classes that are Great for Individuals

8- Hands on CPR and AED Classes

What our friends are saying